Chickweed is a lovely, low growing plant that is very common and grows in cool, damp places. With oval shaped leaves, it has a succulent and juicy appearance to the stem with a slight enlargement at the joints and bears white star-like flowers from March-September. A close look reveals hairiness to the stem. Chickweed is a member of the Carnation family that grows from 6 to 15 inches long. At first appearance, it may seem weak and straggly looking and very delicate. But don’t let this appearance fool you as it has enormous power both medicinally and as a plant to grow rampantly if conditions are in its favor. Its medicinal properties are many and varied.
Latin Name:Stellaria medica
Key Elements – cools, soothes and relieves

As a Nourishing Food: Eaten raw in salads, both plain and mixed with other salad greens. The flavor is often compared to corn silk or corn-on-the-cob. It is also good steamed as a vegetable (save and drink the water as a tonic). It is considered to be a favorite wild plant for making fresh pesto.
Taste: Moist, cool
Parts Used: Leaves, stems, flowers.
Medicinal Uses: Internal and External.
Use in early spring for a mild kidney and liver cleanse
Relieves sunburn
Soothes itchy dry skin, eczema and psoriasis (good for any inflammation)
Heals wounds
Improves fat metabolism and digestion
Diuretic (regulates water)
Draws out splinters
Excellent pulmonary (expectorant for dry coughs due to bronchitis or pleurisy)
Circulatory tonic
Known to be used for rheumatism
Mild laxative
Fibromyalgia (aids mitochondria function)
May help with rosacea
Useful for pink eye, or sore or inflamed eyes
Helps with some asthma issues
Blood cleanser
Used to break up fatty tumors and deposits
May assist thyroid function along with other herbs
Historically used for swollen testicles
Systems supported: Immune, lungs, stomach, skin.
Plant preparations: Food, infusion, tincture, oil, salve, poultice, compress
Minerals/Vitamins: Calcium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, silica, sulfur, copper, and zinc. Vitamins C, D, B-Complex and beta-carotene.
Properties: Alterative, Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Demulcent, Diuretic, Diaphoretic, Emollient, Nutritive, Refrigerant, Vulnerary
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.