About Us

Our Farm Friends
Dorset Sheep Flock
Guard Donkeys
Mules (Jack & Aprile)
Roosters & Hens
Guinea Fowl
Huntaway Working Dogs (Ted, Rosie & Pepper)
Ellie Mae, The Cairn Terrier
Farm Cats
Koi Pond Fish

Our Story
Doug and Connie began their partnership in 1986 when they got married and embarked on the sheep enterprise which would come to be known as the Lamb Shoppe. Starting out with nothing but just a few sheep, they persevered to purchase their first 40 acres in 1990. Although they had been practicing management Intensive grazing techniques since 1988 that they learned while traveling in New Zealand, it wasn’t until they bought their own farm that they could begin to expand their sheep numbers and really start to excel. As time passed, Doug and Connie were fortunate to be able to purchase additional adjoining acreage to provide the farm with a total of 180 acres.
Today, the Lamb Shoppe is home to over 500 sheep and other livestock. With a flock of 350 Dorset ewes that lamb three times a year, a range of lambs of many ages may be found on the farm on any given day. Their sustainable farming practices have made the plants and animals flourish. They practice biological farming by working with nature, feeding and fostering the soil life and balancing it with minerals. They have worked hard to build healthy land from the soil up.

Sheep Shearing
At the Lamb Shoppe it seems we do just about everything associated with sheep from beginning to end. So, it probably comes as no surprise that sheep shearing is an integral part of our business. Doug Rathke has been honing his professional sheep shearing skills for over 30 years.
With extensive training in New Zealand and hundreds of thousands of sheared sheep under his belt, Doug has traveled the world teaching sheep shearing and competing at shearing contests. He even holds a world record with a 24 hour shearing endurance marathon.